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Green Coalition's bouquet of personal health services offers individuals with many specialized packages, customized to their specific requirements.


Health Screening
The first step involves a health & lifestyle questionnaire to be completed by the individual. It is strictly confidential and includes the following information:


Complete medical history
Tobacco, alcohol and other drug consumption
Lifestyle, diet, exercise assessment
Stress assessment

All the above are used to build up an in-depth, accurate picture of the

client enabling us to tailor a customized program. This program can be clubbed with a full medical examination.


Weight Management & Fat Loss
A positive, pro-active approach to weight management and fat loss, this program includes


Diet Recall Analysis of all food & fluid intake during the last 72 hours to determine diet patterns and dietary habits besides tracking physical activity
Dietary analysis - detailed scrutiny of nutrient intake
Personalized Recipes and Meal planning for attainment of healthy weight.
Customized Workout & Exercise plans
Regular assessments to monitor progress & continued support throughout the program


Stress & Lifestyle Assessments
This is a non-judgmental, empathetic and confidential service that includes


In-depth look at causes of individual stress
Stress questionnaire and analysis of how individual stress manifests itself
General Health assessment
Individualized Stress management therapies & techniques (relaxation, exercise participation, massage, counseling, etc)
Motivational counseling

Pregnancy, Post Operative And Rehabilitation Programs
Whether pregnancy, old age, surgery, sports injury or a serious accident, we have specially constructed exercise, diet and nutrition programs that can help clients on the road to recovery. Exercise can be tailored to suit individuals with specific diseases and medical conditions. In some cases, exercise can help to manage symptoms and delay or reverse the condition. Besides, our good working relationship with many physicians, physiotherapists, neurologists, cardiologists and other consultants ensures that the client gets the best support and care.


Sport Nutrition Programs
Proper Nutrition and exercise can influence positive performance in sports & confer the psychological winning edge when used scientifically. Our custom diet and exercise programs can help in improving speed, agility, flexibility, muscle mass, core stability and endurance to ensure sporting success. We can work on a one to one basis as well as offer our advice to small groups or full squads & teams.


Child and Youth Programs
The nutrition needs of growing children vary significantly from child to child so most of our kids programs are bespoke and individualized taking into account their specific age, sex, weight as well dietary and physical exercise patterns. Our programs are tailored around the child lifestyle and are aimed at getting them interested in a healthy way of life without being too fussy. We can create custom packages for schools, colleges and associations.


Electronic and Postal Nutrition Counseling
We also offer consultations via e-mail (offline) and by post. Everyone is required to complete a health questionnaire & five day food diary and following this an individually designed programme is then delivered. This option may be preferred if coming to a face-to-face consultation is difficult or if cost is an issue.



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