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Our Policy Advocacy and Activism values embrace a diversity of perspectives but are based on the following key principles.


Citizen Action: We place emphasis on influencing the common man, current and future leaders as well as members and volunteers of grassroots and nonprofit advocacy organizations about the uncontrolled degradation of our planet. In particular, we focus on the importance of citizen lobbying, media activism, coalition building, research and popular education as the most direct means of building a globally oriented, grassroots environmental movement.


Ecological Research: We seek to promote and interpret the scientific research and understanding of the earth's ecological systems, natural history and environmental vital signs for the benefit of the general

public and turn them into active allies of advocacy struggles.

Practical Thinking: We look critically at how environmental destruction and social injustice are actually rooted in patterns of political dimensions or uninhibited consumerism. Therefore, we encourage and envision a sustainable way of life, grounded in broad environmental and social ethics placing particular emphasis on developing a deeper understanding of the global economy and modern consumer culture.


Empowering Education: We encourage both adults and youth to work together as co-creators and interpreters of the knowledge and skills needed for effective environmental advocacy. We foster ecological literacy and participatory dialogue, encourage personal reflection and cooperative learning, support academic learning initiatives and try to integrate scientific theory and innovative practice wherever possible.


If you are individual and would like to partner us as a volunteer or donor, pls email at

activist at greencoalition.net . If you are an organization or an advocacy group, please email us
friends at greencoalition.net .



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