With political turmoil and booming consumerism taking front-page news, the environmental crusade is currently at crossroads. Pushing the next wave of the environmental movement will require talented, scientifically-grounded and politically-savvy activists working to tame the global economy; promote more democratic reform of our political system; build new coalitions for innovative programs in ecological and community renewal and create a new moral climate that combines a deep ecological concern with a strong commitment to social justice.
Green Coalition needs your help. If you have a strong interest in environmental |
and social issues and want the self-knowledge and life-skills for the long haul, please consider joining us a member, volunteer, donor or partner. Some volunteer ideas are listed here but if you don't see something you think you can do, don't be afraid to offer your suggestions. All participating volunteers will be given certificates and (a stipend if applicable).
Volunteer openings are available worldwide in the following departments:
Editorial, Tech & Social Media Interns
We require editorial interns, tech interns and social media interns who can work and monitor our website, Facebook community and our Twitter page. Responsibilities would include updating/designing the website; editing, adding or deleting facebook and twitter posts / submissions.. Net and computer proficiency besides good english skills is a mandatory requirement.
Writers, Bloggers & Content Contributors
If you are a writer or blogger, you can help us with your article or blog contributions. You can also help us call those and edit who have agreed to write an article for us or get creative and write one yourself, When you write an article, search and research but please don't copy or plagiarize. Provide authentic information and mention all your references. You will get credits for all your contributions.
We need more photos (slides, prints or digital) anything related to environment, health and the issues we focus on. However, your photos can be specific to our campaigns or general - right now we just need to build up our "image bank" for a variety of projects. If you're out this summer, keep us in mind. Or if you're going through your images, we'd be glad for copies.
Education and Communications We are trying to develop more effective ways of getting information out to a wide variety of audiences. This can include taking a scientific paper, and doing a "plain language" summary, determining where in the curriculum our information fits, thinking of non-print methods of reaching people, and so on. We're open to your suggestions and help!
Letter Writing
We need volunteers willing to write letters on a variety of issues. Why do we ask? Because it does work. Perfect if you can't come into the office, or can't commit to meeting times. We'll provide background information, and be glad to answer questions that you might have.
Public Events Co-ordination Willing to ask people to talk to Green Coalition members and the public about their area of expertise? Want to give a presentation yourself? It takes some phone calls and legwork to set up meeting places, get announcements on the radio and put up posters. Help with any of these aspects of our public events is needed.
Fundraising We're looking for someone to identify potential corporate donors, types of funding they give, deadlines for applications, contact people, etc. If you're willing to help us understand the world of corporate donations, we need you!
Contact Us
If you're interested in any more details, or want to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please call or e-mail us. We'll get you the information you need, have you fill out a volunteer profile, and set you up to help our efforts. We look forward to working with you!