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The Green Coalition Directory is a comprehensive listing of non-government organizations, government and non-profit private agencies, websites, publications, etc that offer services or are involved in activities that pertain to public health standards, ethical business, sustainable development and the environment in general. Not included in this database are businesses, advertisements, personal pages, or any sites that sell products or services.

The Green Coalition Directory is created through a collaborative

effort between dedicated Green Coalition volunteers and website visitors from around the world. The links on this site are submitted primarily by visitors like yourself and reviewed by Green Coalition volunteers before being approved.


This directory is meant as a user-friendly guide to visitors for learning about environmental issues, for identifying and purchasing environmental products, and for becoming involved in environmental and advocacy organizations. Green Coalition does not take any positions on any specific issues; it exists solely to act as a clearinghouse on the Internet for the environmental community, which is incredibly diverse in its views.

The directory is currently being updated and will not be visible for the public till sometime. However, you can continue submitting links for our approval.


Guidelines For Submitting A New Resource:


Find The Appropriate Topic
Each resource may only be listed under one topic. Browse through the topics listed to find the best match for your resource. For a full list of topics, please see the list of topics. Green Coalition volunteers do visit each site submitted, and finding the best topic helps us process suggestions quickly.


Suggest Your Site From The Appropriate Topic
Suggest your resource from the topic you've chosen as the best match for your resource. Do this by clicking on the "Suggest a Resource" link at the top of that category page and filling out the form. Please be prepared to provide your name, email id, the name of your resource, the website address (URL), a brief description and other relevant information. Green Coalition volunteers determine the final approval and placement of your site.

Thank you for contributing to Green Coalition and helping this website grow!




Disclaimer: Please note that a listing in this directory does not imply recommendation or endorsement by Green Coalition. We reserve the right to include or delete listings, and to edit any or all information provided by any organization.




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